Memento Mori

We are a dumbed-down country where few value history or literature, and most can’t even spell properly in their own language.
By Debby Long
366 Days of the Apocalypse - Day 359, Michelle Blade, 2012“School is shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped, English and spelling gradually neglected, finally almost completely ignored. Life is immediate, the job counts, pleasure lies all about after work. Why learn anything save pressing buttons, pulling switches, fitting nuts and bolts?” - Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, 1953

One of the most perplexing aspects of the rise of this Republican Party is the enthusiasm with which highly religious Americans embrace what, in any other era, would be regarded as apostasy – a willful turning away from God.

Our National Myth - from the cowboy myth to the myth of Manifest Destiny - defines a distinctly hubristic national ethos colored with many beloved anti-heroes. We love the devil-may-care Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, and we love Bryan Cranston’s Walter White in Breaking Bad for the same reason. While America didn’t invent the anti-hero, the idea of the anti-hero probably sells more popcorn in America than anywhere else on earth.

Donald Trump is a prime example of the American anti-hero. Many are appalled by his anti-government transgressions and his distinctly illegal style of doing business. But the Republican Party is in love with his unexpurgated contempt for governmental authority and the civil rights of anyone else. He’s their guy for a reason: He’s the embodiment of our national mythology. And Joe Biden isn’t their guy because he’s not either of those things - even though he is eminently qualified to lead America away from the edge. He isn’t their guy precisely because he’s a good guy who follows the rules.

But America also has a Founding Myth, and that myth is deeply Judeo/Christian. It is not only rooted in Evangelical Christianity; it is rooted in our founding Judeo/Christian beliefs, culture, and ethics. It underlies our laws, and its culture is a shared tradition by both Christians and Jews. Our national holidays are shared moments where our founding religions celebrate shared values.

But slowly this founding myth of ours has morphed into something else, something antithetical to the body of ethics that informed America’s founding documents. Today, American culture appears to resemble Ray Bradbury’s prediction of a civilization gone wrong. We are a dumbed-down country where few value history or literature, and most can’t even spell properly in their own language. Bradbury says: “Why learn anything save pressing buttons, pulling switches, fitting nuts and bolts?” We have become useful idiots for demagogues like Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

And as our democracy begins to crumble before our eyes, it is becoming impossible to ignore the fact that much of the Republican Party’s policies appear to be leading directly toward apocalyptic outcomes: Climate denialism, fossil fuel protectionism, and opposition to any gun laws inevitably lead to existential climate change, a dramatic loss of species diversity, and a return to a world "red in tooth and claw". What was once the party devoted to the support of laissez-faire capitalism is now the party of End Times eschatology. What was once the party that accepted Jefferson’s Wall of Separation, now intrinsically promotes “The Last Judgment” and “The Rapture”.

And if the Bible is believed to be inerrant, then Originalism in the Supreme Court is a logically coherent vantage point from which to interpret the Constitution of the United States. Within our pluralism and our tolerance for others, we let slide the Republican Party’s increasing encroachment on constitutionally mandated secularism. We ignored its growing racism as it chipped away at hard fought civil rights legislation. And nobody said a word as corporations became people, and money took control of elections. We are looking at the abyss simply because nobody remembered to fight for democracy.

And while we may end up with laissez-faire capitalism - the Republican Holy Grail - we could also end up with the Apocalypse as well, because America’s Republican Party has become a doomsday cult.

If we’ve learned nothing else in the last 80 years, we have learned this: The rate of the evolution of humanity’s technological advances exceeds the ability of modern Homo sapiens to adapt to them. And this disparity is beginning to show signs of a red shift that likely cannot be reversed.

Many people think that global climate change means that some large urban centers will just get flooded or become uninhabitable, requiring relocation to higher ground - a real estate problem that can be solved. And many believe that brown skinned immigrants, purportedly flooding our borders, will change the genetics of a perfectly snow-white America. Many still regard African Americans as Ronald Reagan’s mythical “welfare queens” and not as those who are rapidly enhancing every aspect of our culture - strivers seeking the prosperity that has eluded them for so long.

The founding of America’s Judeo/Christian myth makes the assumption that modern humans are the last word in evolution; that humanity was a vanity project conceived of by an invisible creator; and that this entire project will conclude with the Apocalypse – the extinction of life on earth, entirely.

Only one of those religious myths turns out to be true. One cannot overstate the irony that the myth of the Apocalypse in the Abrahamic religions is currently being fully supported in America by both the Republican Party and Evangelical Christians, all of whom deny the science of global warming and climate change. Theirs is a self-fulfilling prophesy of cosmological proportions. Theirs is an exercise in hubris. And their suicidal End Times eschatology clearly places modern Homo sapiens exactly where they belong, as evolutionary biologist, Jared Diamond, depicted them in his 1991 book entitled: “The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal”.

Humans diverged from chimpanzees about 5 to 7 million years ago – a blink-of-an-eye in evolutionary time. We are indeed special, but not because we were personally designed by a designer-in-chief. We are special because our brains are special, and that is due to evolution through the process of natural selection. To deny the fact of evolution is to squander the power of the very thing that makes humans special.

The differential between our technological advances and our inability to adapt to them, places life on earth at a crossroad. Religious dogma is an accelerant that serves to widen this gap because, not only does it constrain our ability to understand the factors that drive evolution and, therefore, adapt to change - but its rigidity is currently foreclosing our ability to continue to comfortably wakesurf behind the technological advances that drive our future. We are observing the end of liberal democracy, and our religious Originalism is serving as a tragic self-fulfilling prophesy.

When triumphant Roman soldiers returned from battle and arrived in Rome to receive tribute for their victory, a slave rode beside the soldier telling him these words: “Memento Mori” – remember that we die. It was a warning not to fall victim to hubris.

We are suffering from the tyranny of the minority - from their arrogance and from their backward hubris. Theirs will be a triumphal defeat of American democracy, but they will end up with nothing.

Memento Mori.
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