The Wealth Of Nations

“Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.” – Anonymous
By Debby Long
The Invisible Hand is rooting around in the national cookie jar, and Donald Trump has crumbs all over the front of his shirt. The Republican Party has, in decades past, operated with some measure of decorum by concealing its cravings for autocracy with elaborate unproven theories and policy misdirection. Trickle-down economics and small government rhetoric have served them well in the past, but now our rising tide has only served to draw the flotsam and jetsam of a predatory and intellectually bankrupt party into power.

And as the last of the GOP old-guard tacticians shuffle off the dais looking haggard and defeated, no sentient American can stomach the prospect of an American government led by the GOP’s current slough of ignominious grunters.

In the last 20 years, as the Republican Party coarsened and gradually morphed into the party of saying the quiet parts out loud, something extraordinary happened. Something breathtaking, in fact. Republicans fell in love with its Cold War foe, The Evil Empire. While Ronald Reagan inveighed against the USSR in his Evil Empire Speech to the House of Commons in 1982, he asked rhetorically:

“It would be cultural condescension, or worse, to say that any people prefer dictatorship to democracy. Who would voluntarily choose not to have the right to vote, decide to purchase government propaganda handouts instead of independent newspapers, prefer government to worker-controlled unions, opt for the land to be owned by the state instead of those who till it, want government repression of religious liberty, a single political party instead of a free choice, a rigid cultural orthodoxy instead of democratic tolerance and diversity?”

Indeed. Who? Maybe we should ask Alexei Navalny whether he finds dictatorship superior to democracy. But, tragically, he’s dead now. How about investigative reporter, Malik Akhmedilov, or Chechen politician, Ruslan Alikhadzhiyev? Both dead. The list of political opponents that Russia’s President for Life has had murdered by poisoning, shooting, or simply tossing out the window is enormous, and we’re only at the A’s.

But now, 42 years after Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party is somehow all about strong man idolatry and the virtues of totalitarianism with a side-line of cheesy swindles, including pillows and baseball cards. It’s as if the GOP is center stage in a newly updated production of Mel Brooks’s, “The Producers” where Donald Trump is the swindling Max Bialystock who sells 25,000% of his new, guaranteed to flop, Broadway show to his regular investors so he can take the money and run. And the part of Max’s accountant, Leo Bloom, is played by Trump’s real life accountant, Allan Weiselberg - late of Riker’s Island. So it’s “Springtime for Hitler” at polling places across the nation, because this former anti-totalitarian political party can no longer pass the Mirror Test as it Busby Berkeleys its way across America.

“Don’t be stupid, be a smartie. Come and join the Nazi Party.”

America is experiencing a national code red, as it stumbles toward November to select a new president. But before we vote, it would be very helpful for all of us to remember that Bill Barr, Trump’s former Attorney General, in his most sonorous Neville Chamberlain voice reassured the nation in 2019 that the Mueller Report had effectively exonerated the president. He was, of course, lying.

How could this have happened? And why hasn’t anyone told us that the Mueller Report was anything but an exoneration of Donald Trump? Now, we have to pack up our stuff and move because America is about to be sold off to a bunch of comic book villains who imprison and brutally murder all opponents - while promising that we’ll love what they do with the place.

And like all aspiring Presidents for Life, Trump has neutralized all institutions capable of thwarting his plans, while purging the Republican Party of all people capable of challenging him. All that’s left in the GOP is the flotsam and jetsam – politicians who couldn’t possibly get a job anywhere else.

But the worst part is that The Evil Empire managed to sneak into our voting apparatus, our cyber security apparatus, our media and its coverage of the 2016 Presidential election, and the entirety of our Republican Congress because….

Donald Trump invited them in.

For the price of a brand licensing deal and another monstrous Trump Tower in downtown Moscow, America was sold out from beneath us. So much for “The Wealth of Nations”. So much for Adam Smith, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson; so much for those who fought and died in WWII; so much for The New Deal and Martin Luther King. So much for the Cold War. And so much for democracy.

To say that we have been fiddling while Rome burns is like saying “Don’t worry, it’ll miss us” during an asteroid strike. So, as we endlessly debate which presidential candidate is too old to serve, or whether the Supreme Court is biased for Donald Trump – as we fret about our nation’s backsliding on immigration and abortion policy or whether to send funds to Ukraine – it would be nice if we remember that some things are, indeed, worth fighting for here at home. Because a dictatorship is unbearable even for one day.

Image: “Still a Pig”, Leah Sauliner
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