The Victimhood Of Donald Trump

It’s getting weird here in America. Pregnant women are being painted as whores, men are swaggering about as if they all have harems, and grievance has been entered into the American canon as the new burning bush of American democracy.
By Debby Long
“Trump is not the victim of the judicial system; he is or has been the defendant in 3,500 lawsuits - that's not the mark of a victim but rather a perpetrator.” - Christine Todd Whitman

It’s getting weird here in America. Pregnant women are being painted as whores, men are swaggering about as if they all have harems, and grievance has been entered into the American canon as the new burning bush of American democracy. And this nebulous sense of grievance that currently grips the nation sits on the squared shoulders of inane populism. We no longer know how to react to the throngs of desperate, impoverished immigrants waking up stranded on Martha’s Vineyard. Scoundrelly mustache twirling politicians like Ted Cruz get a pass while en route to the beaches of the Yucatan. And images of tragically un-adopted puppies with flies on their eyes make us feel like moral transgressors. Since virtue signaling has become the new political activism in America, knowledge of history, geography, science, mathematics, and social sciences has become nothing more than excess ballast to be dumped overboard as our ship of fools arrives in the harbor.

And arrive it has because in our Abrahamic formulation of good versus evil, we have lost our critical thinking skills amidst all this voguing. We no longer seem to know what American democracy is and why it is worth preserving, much less the logic that led to it in the first place. We have forgotten why the American Constitution would require a secular government in the face of a theocratic Supreme Court - and why the terroristic threats of a demagogue like Donald Trump are to be construed as criminal and not an exercise of his First Amendment rights. We now live in a country where logic has given way to the cheesy rhetoric of a campaign rally. The question is whether a new American political ideology has been born: group victimhood parading as empathy. In any case, it’s a repulsive demonstration of collective narcissism. And who better to lead this cult of performance art than Donald Trump?

We have forgotten the logic of Thomas Jefferson who said:
“A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.”

Yes, sacrificing the ends to the means. But who needs a decision tree when you have a burning bush? When you have the textualism of the Bible and the originalism of a constitution. We simply cannot escape the mythology of the Abrahamic religions no matter how much we learn from social and scientific research. We are utterly disarmed when Donald Trump sits in the interview chair, leaning forward as if on a toilet, announcing his plans to be the first American dictator - then breaking the 4th wall by turning to the audience and grinning. Is he just kidding, or does he mean it? And if he wins the 2024 presidential election, does he have the right to extinguish American democracy because the majority has spoken and gives him their support? Are we talking Barabbas here, or is this excruciating 8 years of his cultural transgressions simply entertainment for a nation suffering from mass ennui?
Since 2016, Donald Trump has been the monster that just won’t die. Americans have been consumed by his apparent immunity to the coercive measures civil society levels at criminals who defy the law. He’s a tax cheat, a rapist, an organized crime figure, and an insurrectionist - but in the self-indulgent minds of most Americans, Donald Trump is a Robin Hood. He is a comic book anti-hero of sorts, an arriviste who figured out how to game the system. He is a sympathetic rogue who always manages to slip through the net. And his super power was to leverage his father’s money into massive unsecured loans using a charming form of self-parody. He is Muhammad Ali rope-a-doping an entire country.

Trump’s juvenile narcissism made him shoot for the sky, and we have watched as he grabbed at anything to cushion his fall on his way down. Trump isn’t some sort of political idiot savant or even a successful hustler. He’s nothing more than a spoiled teenaged bully who was raised by a wealthy Nazi sympathizer for a father. And like Nazis of the past, Trump the politician has been stumping for sadism ever since. And it is this geriatric punk who today threatens to dissolve our 248-year-old democracy.
Of course, Donald Trump should be removed from the primary ballots in all 50 states of the US; he conspired, instigated, and participated in an insurrection to prevent the peaceful transfer of the American presidency to Joe Biden. That action dwarfs any First Amendment rights he might claim as a defense. And, of course, he should be tried and imprisoned for the crimes he has committed while both in and out of office. Anything less would stand as an instance of what Thomas Jefferson cited should America: “sacrifice the ends to the means”. Why would we permit this treasonous coup plotter to finish the job?

But who needs a decision tree when you have a burning bush?

We need a decision tree because we are long past the era of the burning bush. We are long past an eye for an eye, and we are long past governing through grievance. We no longer want or need a leader who is our retribution, and we no longer need someone to die for our sins.

And we must not sacrifice our 248-year-old democracy on the altar of Donald Trump’s reflection.

Image: Pepper No. 30, Edward Weston, 193
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