“Facilis descensus Averno” (The road to Hell
is smooth), The Aeneid, Virgil, 19 BC
It appears that the most potent and toxic purveyor of Republican
politics is, and has been for over two decades, Fox News. Fox
News proudly shows too much snout. But before Fox, there was
Rush Limbaugh – a florid peddler of all things porcine. I always
wondered whether Limbaugh’s addiction to opiates was his effort
to silence the incessant squealing of his withering soul.
Limbaugh, like most spokesmen for the GOP, wallowed in what Pope
Pius IX described in 1864 as The Syllabus of Errors - a
compendium of heresies in the realm of politics and philosophy
that were condemned by the Catholic Church.
Limbaugh gazed in the mirror and saw a swashbuckling privateer,
a buccaneer with billowing sails, cruising the waters of enemy
territory under the suzerainty established by Ronald Reagan. And
Limbaugh’s Presidential Medal of Honor, presented to him by
Trump in 2020, was proof that he had earned Trump’s “Letter of
Marque” – a license granted by a monarch to private individuals
to soften up the enemy before war is declared. Privateers stole
on behalf of the crown and returned a cut of the loot back to
the monarch. Privateers were honored in the late 17th century
for combining patriotism with a kind of business acumen that
yielded profits. They were considered businessmen – pirates with
papers. So they were, and so they are.
“We go in, we spend $3 trillion, we lose thousands and thousands
of lives, and then … what happens is we get nothing. You know,
it used to be to the victor belong the spoils.” Donald Trump on
the Iraq War during his 2016 presidential campaign.
America might be the most successful effort at self-government
in history, and its fruits have fueled historic prosperity, but
businesses like Fox News still ply our economic waters with the
billowing sails of their Letters of Marque, granted by political
leaders and the political party that represents their interests.
Fox News softened up the world’s most ambitious and prosperous
nation by sequentially swallowing the pillars of democracy for
nothing more than profit. Moolah, loot, dead presidents.
Rick Perlstein’s 2008 book entitled, “Nixonland”, traces Fox’s
beginnings back to Richard Nixon and Roger Ailes. He writes,
Roger Ailes… “takes the shame of people who feel that they are
being looked down on, and he mobilizes it for political
purposes. Roger Ailes is a direct link between the Nixonian
politics of resentment and Sarah Palin’s politics of resentment.
He’s the golden thread.”
Ed Rollins, former Reagan campaign manager, described Ailes this
way in 2011: “As a political consultant, Ailes repackaged
Richard Nixon for television in 1968, papered over Ronald
Reagan’s budding Alzheimer’s in 1984, shamelessly stoked racial
fears to elect George H.W. Bush in 1988, and waged a secret
campaign on behalf of Big Tobacco to derail health care reform
in 1993. “He was the premier guy in the business. He was our
Ailes was the apotheosis of today’s conservative movement –
Trump and his band of pirates are merely the ones who show
Ronald Reagan’s FCC abolished The Fairness Doctrine established
in 1949, that required broadcasters to present a variety of
views on issues of public importance. In 1987, the
Democrat-controlled House and Senate passed legislation to
preemptively codify the doctrine into federal law. Reagan vetoed
it. Reagan’s veto is thought to have paved the way for the
unregulated demagoguery that now floods American homes with
conspiracy theories, libelous assertions about individuals, and
what now amounts to vehicles that encourage domestic terrorism
and the potential for anti-government coups such as that of
January 6th, 2021. Reagan’s veto granted Fox News his “Letter of
Marque” – and with it, the Republican Party was free to raid
every corner of our democracy – every state legislature, every
campaign, and all of our governing institutions. Just as the
Republican Party hijacked the Second Amendment and successfully
armed every man woman and child in America – they hijacked the
First Amendment and conflated the right to free speech with the
right to terrorize in the name of personal freedom.
We are no longer inoculated against this form of privateering,
this sort of piracy. The Tea Party of 1773, has been
“repackaged” for us and presented as “the chimes of freedom
flashing”. But this time, the thunder and lightning we hear
heralds the anarchy that will burn our 245-year-old democracy to
the ground. |