A Cuckoo's Nest

The good old days. When competition was effectively controlled by class, race, and gender. When monogamy was primarily practiced by women.
By Debby Long
A Cuckoo's Nest“The President Calvin Coolidge and his wife, Grace Coolidge, were being toured separately around an experimental government egg farm. When Mrs. Coolidge came to the chicken yard, she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day." Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by." Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?" The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." The President replied, "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge." – Frank A. Beach, The Coolidge Effect, 1959

The good old days. When competition was effectively controlled by class, race, and gender. When monogamy was primarily practiced by women. When most women were economically tied to men because the chances of supporting themselves and their children were non-existent. To “stand by your man“ was a survival strategy for most women because his income was her only possible income.

And tactics to maintain patriarchal dominance were many and varied throughout the world. In the West, women couldn’t vote, couldn’t get an education, couldn’t earn an income, and couldn’t decide when and with whom they would have children. Women, like their children, were seen and not heard. In many cultures, women were either betrothed to husbands or sold to families that paid a bride price. In most Muslim cultures, women were consigned to the home and were entirely covered in public so that men other than her husband had no access to her, thus insuring her virginity and her value as a bride.

This tradition of female covering- known in anthropology as “paternity protection” - is a means by which a patriarchal society can minimize the likelihood that the children the males provide for are, in fact, their actual biological children. Moreover, in tribal societies, where access to goods and services is distributed on the basis of relatedness, the consequences of pregnancies outside the tribe can be harsh and include “honor killings”, where the offending woman is ostracized and often murdered in order to retain her family’s status within the tribe.

“The major world religions sprang from patriarchal societies in which the resources critical to reproduction, whether in the form of land or livestock, were inherited from father to son down the male line…Consistent with patrilineal inheritance, the sacred texts set forth harsh penalties for adultery and other behaviors that lower the husband’s probability of paternity. The scriptures also place greater emphasis on female than on male chastity, including the requirement of modest attire for women and the idealization of virginity for unmarried females.” Beverly Strassmann, https://news.umich.edu/religious-patriarchy-promotes.../

In the years following the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in Manhattan, Americans became aware of the tradition of female covering, in particular in the Muslim world, e.g., the abaya, burka, hijab, and niqab. From the viewpoint of the Western world, this practice of female covering was deeply misogynistic and an unambiguous denial to women of their basic human rights.

We were also introduced to the practice of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) by feminist, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who writes:

“The aim of FGM in all its forms is to control female sexuality. The clitoris is removed to take physical pleasure from sex and reduce the libido. In its more severe forms, involving sewing the genitals up, the aim is to ensure the girl is a virgin on her wedding night. Many women must be surgically re-opened (or simply with a pen knife or razor blade) in order to consummate their marriage. The consequences of FGM are ongoing psychological and physical harms from infections to fistulas and even death...FGM is the symptom of harmful cultural beliefs that girls and women must be sexually pure, modest and that their bodies exist to breed. Whether it’s justified by being a Muslim, Egyptian, Indian, Jewish, black, a woman or any other category venerated in the identity politics pantheon, these beliefs are not compatible with liberal societies that profess to ensure the human rights of their citizens." https://www.theahafoundation.org/ayaan-hirsi-ali-female.../

Now think of Amy Coney Barrett, reciting the Nicene Creed of 325 AD, while weighing in on the legal availability of Mifepristone for birth control.

Now visualize Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, a hero of the conservative right, define his judicial philosophy of textualism and originalism in constitutional interpretation.

And now picture the new patriarch of the Republican Party, Donald J. Trump, sitting in a courtroom, genuinely not sure why he’s there. Is it because he lied about the Jezebel, or that he lied about his betrayal of his wife - or is he just being persecuted for being a red-blooded American man? None of these. It is because he broke American federal campaign finance law and, in so doing, lied to all Americans about his suitability to be president in the 21st century.

And all the while, Republicans continue to ask, "What is this 'a more perfect union' nonsense about, anyway?”

Put Donald Trump in any patriarchal society on earth, and, as he says, he “did nothing wrong”. But put him in a liberal democracy like ours, where women can select their mates, vote in elections, go to college to become educated, and economically support themselves and their children – then, well, we’ve surely got trouble right here in River City.

So, if a Republican tells you that they love life so much because all life is precious - even fertilized eggs; and when they refuse to support the policy of providing medical assistance to poor people by objecting to the existence of Obamacare and the expansion of Medicare and Medicaid; and if they tell you that a woman has no right to an abortion - but they support the death penalty and consider brown skinned immigrants to not be human beings - then recognize that they are hypocrites and that they're lying to you. Their feigned piety and their elaborate lies are all in service of the Conservative effort to re-establish patriarchy in America.

And further, recognize that in a liberal democracy like ours, members of the anti-abortion movement can solve their disagreement with abortion by not having one. Realize that the pro-life movement is a fraud concocted by the Republican Party to use religious dogma to bring Christians into their fold in an effort to ensure that they have enough voters to win elections in America.

Now, it is absolutely critical that Americans understand that the Republican Party – this party of pious Conservatism – is all about bringing back patriarchy to America in an effort to erase the progress made in the last century: Civil Rights laws; Women’s Rights laws; Labor Rights laws; and the introduction of laws to protect Gender Equality, Environmental Protection, and the sanctity of our elections. - all of which Republicans steadfastly oppose.

Wake up, Donald. You’re not only an entitled serial sex offender; you’re an entitled criminal, and that's why you're there.
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