The Misbegotten Male

"For Republicans in Texas and other Republican controlled states, the establishment of a male patriarchy that is much like that of the Taliban is clearly considered a virtuous endeavor.."
By Debby Long
"The female is a misbegotten male." Aristotle, 384 BC to 322 BC - GreeceAisha Mohammadzai

When Aisha Mohammadzai was 14 years old, she was promised to a Taliban fighter as recompense for a murder committed by a member of her family. Her husband was decades older than she. He and his family violently abused her throughout her marriage, and at 18, she fled. She was caught by the police and imprisoned for 5 months and then returned by her father to her husband and his family. Upon her return, her husband, father-in-law, and three other men cut off her nose and ears and left her to die in the mountains. She received help at a US military base and eventually was resettled in the US where she received psychiatric treatment for the trauma she had endured, and later, reconstructive surgery to rebuild her nose and ears. In 2014, she was adopted by an Afghan-American couple. She is now known as Bibi Aisha. Bibi is a term of respect meaning "Lady".

"Women have two choices: Either she's a feminist or a masochist.", Gloria Steinem, - America

Why do patriarchies persist in the 21st century? It is easy for Americans of all political persuasions and religious denominations to look with horror at the backwardness of the Taliban of Afghanistan and its breathtaking and bone crushing cruelty toward women. This photo of Aisha Mohammadzai was the cover photo for Time Magazine in 2010. It is almost impossible to look at.

But for Republicans in Texas and other Republican controlled states, the establishment of a male patriarchy that is much like that of the Taliban is clearly considered a virtuous endeavor, an earnest fulfillment of scripture, and a political tactic intended to secure Governor Greg Abbott’s reelection in Texas in 2022. For the Republican Party, and for most of the United States Supreme Court, a reinstatement of Christian Fundamentalism to guide our legal system is a cherished objective. We most clearly see this turn toward theocracy exposed in the Court’s refusal to block Texas’s six-week abortion ban, and the means by which it will be enforced. Phrases like “forced to bear the child of her rapist”, and “institutionalized vigilantism” in Texas are not far from Aisha’s experience growing up in a backward culture like Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

The backwardness of the Republican Party looks, from the perspective of half of America, to be the last gasp of white male entitlement - as demographics lap at the cuffs of their trousers, and climate denial is drowning the future of their historic business plan. And as their Covid denialism implacably claims the lives of their own Taliban fighters in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, the educated in America recognize that male entitlement in government, in corporate America, and in marriage, will no longer be symbolized by the question: “Who’s your daddy?” but increasingly by the question: “Who signs your paycheck?”

Misogyny is the chest beating of a stratified society where all women are stigmatized as inferior and must remain subservient to men – because white supremacy, misogyny, and nationalism are intended to create "the other" – a them versus us dichotomy that politicians like Donald Trump know are powerfully embedded within us.

“Woman is a temple built over a sewer” – Tertullian, De Cultu Feminarum (160-225 AD), - Carthage

In ancient Greece, men’s testicles were believed to have specific functions: the left one produced girls, and the right one produced boys. Aristotle thought that men should tie off their left testicle during intercourse in order to insure the birth of a son. If a daughter was born instead of the desired son, she was considered “a misbegotten male” because the birth of a daughter meant the birth of a deformed male. And Saint Thomas Aquinas agreed: “As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten…". His writings and teachings influenced Roman Catholic doctrine for centuries and was adopted as the official philosophy of the Catholic Church in 1917.

So, in today’s America, one needs to ask: is biology still destiny? Mary T. Barra, CEO of General Motors doesn’t think so. Jane Fraser, CEO of Citigroup doesn’t think so either. Nor does Carol Tomé, CEO of United Parcel Service, Inc. But leaders of America’s mainline religions do, indeed, think so:

“The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” - Pat Robertson, Southern Baptist leader, July 1992 - - America

“A wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband, even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.” –Official Faith and Message Statement of Southern Baptist Convention, Summer 1998, 15.7 million members - America

This photo of Bibi Aisha may engender accusations of a false equivalence because America is not a tribal society like Afghanistan, yet. Its heartland has not lost its place in providing for 16.8% of the world’s agriculture, yet. Its laws are not defined by theocratic warlords who manage the production of its real economy, yet. And its predominant religion does not determine who and how women are punished for seeking justice, yet.

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!” – Gloria Steinem
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