Let Me Die In My Footsteps

 I will not agree to let America bleed to death and not fight to preserve its ideals, its soul.
By Debby Long

Image: Banksy, 2010-11 Spray Paint London, UK"The yellow star? So what? It's not lethal... (Poor Father! Of what then did you die?)" - Eli Wiesel, Night

I would be ashamed to be a Republican. To use unelected political operatives on the Supreme Court to take away the right of women to own their own bodies - I would be ashamed. To use the powers of the state to force a 10-year-old girl to bear the child of her rapist would be so immoral, so outrageously cruel, that in order to support this legislation, I would have to have no heart. To continue to argue for unregulated firearms while families are still burying their dead from the last massacres would require me to have no soul.

If I were a Republican watching the depraved bigotry and vicious racism of Republican Party leaders - leaders such as the ironically named, Ron DeSantis, and the oleaginous, Ted Cruz- and not speak out, there could be no other explanation than that I have joined the ranks of a modern-day fascist movement. I would be entirely complicit in trying to overthrow the government of the United States of America, not because I took up arms – but because I consciously voted for this party and this outcome.

If I were a Republican today, and I still possessed a scruple of patriotism, I would just stay home – sit it out on November 8, 2022 - or risk declaring my allegiance to this naked effort to criminally overthrow the government of my own country.

Though I am technically old, and though I probably won’t live to see what ultimately becomes of America, I am certain about how I want to die. To quote Bob Dylan: “Let me die in my footsteps”. I will not agree to let America bleed to death and not fight to preserve its ideals, its soul.

Republicans: it’s not about the taxes; it’s not about socialism or communism; and it’s not about the purported greed of the "great unwashed". And after today’s televised January 6th Committee hearing, it is crystal clear that it's not about election fraud intended to deny Donald Trump a second term in office.

It is now indisputable that Donald Trump was voted out of office in 2020 by the citizens of the United States in a fair and free election.

Donald Trump is now one of the most notorious losers in American history. But there is still a deep pool of complicity among Republicans and the Republican Party for not standing up to this demagogue. No matter what benefits they thought would redound to them due to his criminal presidency, they created a monster. A true villain who swallowed them whole.

We watched it happen. First, we thought it was Trump’s base, a mob of uneducated dolts with nowhere else to find a place in the world. Then we wondered about Trump's rise to power and the strange passivity of Republican politicians as he assumed control of their party. Then we thought that he was merely a tool of the 1%. But as he became an unstoppable troglodyte run wild among the good china, not one Republican stood up. Not one Republican came forth to defend democracy and the rule of law. And the majority of Republicans still have not, to their great shame.

Republicans, your party is the same party that burned down Germany’s Reichstag (parliament building) in 1933. Your party enabled Trump to emerge in America for the same reason German elites in business and the military permitted Hitler to emerge in Germany: It was for the votes their deplorable constituencies brought to their parties. You, as a Republican intending to vote for the GOP in 2022, are willing to disregard the venal opportunists who lead your party and the astounding cruelty of their policies. Your vote will allow them to achieve their goals of minority rule in a society that has been a liberal democracy for 246 years. Your party is now the same party that installed Hitler in Germany. And your party made the same cynical choices that Germany’s elites made when installing Hitler. Both the Republican Party of Mitch McConnell today and the elites of Germany in 1933 thought that they could control this species of tyrant, and both groups of cynical opportunists were proven very wrong, indeed.

Perhaps it is a cliché to compare Donald Trump’s effort to overthrow the Government of the United States on January 6th, 2020 with Germany’s Reichstag Fire of 1933. But in light of today’s January 6th Committee presentation, doing so tells a gripping tale of how both Donald Trump and the 20th century’s most reviled dictator, Adolph Hitler, ascended to power. It reveals what tactics both men used and how their corruption, deceit, and brutality enabled our former president, Donald Trump, to swallow the GOP whole. Hitler was installed, first as Germany’s Chancellor and became, within a year, Germany’s “Führer und Reichskanzler”. Hitler, the vicious dictator who led Germany into World War II, was finally in power.

In only a few years, both tyrants turned the world’s most advanced and liberal societies into moral monstrosities.

In Germany, a prerequisite tactic was called “Gleichschaltung“ or consolidation. All aspects of German society were to be controlled by the Nazi Party, and any opposition was removed. A look at our current Republican Party tells the same story: Anyone who does not support Donald Trump and his policies is primaried from the right and personally defamed by Trump, himself. Trump, through his right-wing militia, even threatened to murder his Vice President, Mike Pence, for failing to do his bidding.

Hitler’s party members are believed to have orchestrated the Reichstag Fire in order to declare martial law and consolidate their power. It is becoming increasingly clear that members of the Republican Party helped Donald Trump organize the attempted coup on January 6th, 2022, a coup that would have enabled Donald Trump to declare martial law in America.

In Germany, following the Reichstag Fire, Paul von Hindenburg, the then president of the German Weimar Republic, named Hitler Chancellor in 1933. Shortly thereafter, Hindenburg cited Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution to declare a national emergency and seize control in the name of restoring order. Only one month later, Hindenburg signed The Enabling Act which gave the Nazi regime under Hitler emergency powers.

Donald Trump intended to do the same in his attempted coup. He, like Hitler, intended to declare martial law following his attack on the U.S. Capital and assume dictatorial powers in the U.S.

Republicans, please stay home on November 8th so that you do not perpetuate this monstrosity. Tell yourselves and your fellow Republicans - Never Again - or your complicity will result in your own country’s demise, and perhaps yours.

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