The Insolence Of Office

Convicting Donald Trump is the most urgent project in America today.
By Debby Long
Ubu Imperator“He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.” – Chinese aphorism

Whenever I picture Donald Trump posing with his jutting Mussolini-jaw in profile, Gym Jordan in his shirt sleeves, sweating in anticipation of his next auto-da-fé, or Marjorie Taylor Greene posing as SS officer, Irma Grese, standing indomitable in her boots, her whip and her pistol, I am reminded that each one of these sadists, in their own way, displays the thundering id of an identity-less America.

And then there’s Mike Pence, the “in for a penny; in for a pound” pretender to the throne of Donald Trump. He rode in on intense feigned piety and will probably return to Indiana "a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order” - but older and even dumber, if that’s possible.

From Rush Limbaugh in the 1980s to Howard Stern in the 1990s, the norm-breaking appeal of civic villainy has grown to become America’s pastime because so many of us refuse to keep our fantasies to ourselves. The attempted coup on January 6th, 2021 was unforgivable no matter how deranged the argument is in its defense. This was an attempt to take down the government of the United States, and everyone, particularly those at the top of this effort, should be considered traitors – and nothing less. Proof of this malintent can be seen today among Republican leadership – Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell and every other Republican who continues to remain silent. But surely everyone noticed that the Band of Idiots who implemented that deranged plot were not the revolutionary patriots they sought to impersonate. The QAnon Shaman believed that President Donald Trump was fighting a cabal of Satan-worshiping, child sex trafficking cannibals. Of course, he was.


America is experiencing a “Hell is other people” moment because we have ceded ownership of our national identity - an identity of pluralism, rule of law, and equity under the law - to those who are patently unworthy. Steven Miller, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, Lev Parnas, Kellyanne Conway, Rudy Giuliani, and countless others wouldn’t have had voices in America if civic villainy hadn’t become a cultural trend – and had Donald Trump not given them roles in his 2016 reality TV show: Donald Trump, Inside Job.

But do Americans really want to yield national identity to a hostile takeover by Ginnie Thomas and her revisionist interpretation of a moral social contract, or to Mitt Romney’s better class of criminal, or to Rupert Murdoch’s tabloid sensationalism? When Hitler’s Minister for Armaments and War Production, Albert Speer, surrendered in 1945, he remarked: “So now the end has come. That’s good. It was all only a kind of opera anyway.”

But the question remains largely unanswered: How did Republicans get to this inglorious dead end? And why has the GOP allowed itself to become a gangrenous party of extremism? While there are many fascinating analyses, one interesting explanation is that Republican politics has become an opera due to a decades-long positive feedback loop that is, by definition, self-reinforcing. The crueler they are, the more they exist to entertain their followers and the less they are incented to govern. The more anti-intellectual they are, the more their base followers believe in their own innate brilliance and become emboldened. The more dismissive they are of governance, the more their followers scream “Off with their heads!”.

Rush Limbaugh was the leading norm-breaking Republican of the 1980s. He entertained his troops with daily propaganda that included insults against women, people of color, and LGBTQ people. He was beloved by his followers because his goal was to “Own the Libs”. In the 1990s, it was Howard Stern and his own brand of norm-breaking misogyny. And today it’s the poisonous Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity. Owning the Libs is an effort at misdirection. It entertains the pro-Trump Right while traditional conservatives can pursue more serious programs such as tax cuts and deregulation. Owning the Libs is Juvenal’s “Bread and Circuses”.

But as these tactics successfully mobilized the Republican base, the policies that emerged became increasingly at odds with the broader national consensus. The result of this strategy is that Republicans increasingly ignore the overall national policy mood as they seek to appeal to a fringe minority that drags the rest of the party behind.


And now we face the apotheosis of decades of norm-breaking civic villainy; the constant escalation of a positive feedback loop that obviates the need for sound policy; and the Hell is Other People helplessness we feel because we failed to assert our ideological values.

Now we face the totalitarianism of Ron DeSantis. We are passengers on a runaway train of extremism, and DeSantis appears to be the likely successor to the management of the MAGA Express, as it wends its way through the American heartland and on to Europe, the Middle East, and China. DeSantis’s “Daily Affirmations” most likely go something like: “I'm smart enough; I'm bad enough; And doggone it, people are terrified of me”.

Ron DeSantis has begun this rise to power in Florida by defaming those with non-conforming sexual identities; deporting immigrant groups arriving in the US seeking asylum; and using his office to stifle education, access to books, and the means by which an informed citizenry can insulate itself from tyrannical leaders like him. Imposing a strict Catholic interpretation of women’s rights to access abortion and birth control permits the return of patriarchal control over the lives of over ˝ of the population. This is how it is done. This is how Ron DeSantis is doing it in order to seize the mantle of Trumpism and take the reins of the moribund, leaderless Republican Party.

But can DeSantis ballyhoo enough? He has boarded rather late in this movement, but his heart appears to be in the right place. However, he lacks the “je ne sais quoi” of traditional fascists. Hitler was a mesmerizing speaker, Mussolini had machismo, and Putin has used his alley-rat sensibilities to kill everyone in sight. DeSantis lacks any crowd-pleasing charms. He’s just cruel - but he seems to think that the MAGA Express has many more miles left on it.

The MAGA Express arrived in Washington DC on January 20th, 2017 and unloaded all of its passengers. They scuttled into every institution of American Democracy. But perhaps this train is about to be derailed beginning this week. There are over 17 law suits that have been filed in various courts against Donald Trump and his businesses. And things are looking increasingly grim for him.

Convicting Donald Trump is the most urgent project in America today. We must reclaim our national identity and extirpate this movement permanently from all positions of power in American politics. And we must incarcerate Donald Trump and remove him from civilized society entirely, or else.
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