
Moral Panic is the last redoubt of a hollowed out political party.
By Debby Long

So, what’s up with our White Man in Moscow, Tucker Carlson? With or without portfolio, his delusions of grandeur are dissolving into their constituent parts. We already know what he looks like without a heart and a brain. We already presume that he was the guy on the beach into whose face everyone kicked sand, even the girls. But the mind boggles at the thought that his pale rider is on the fritz. How can he pretend to rape and pillage with Team Putin if his member and associates are as soft and white as a baby’s bottom? Do the Proud Boys secretly sport pale members and tender hangers-on as well? Putin-love is hard to sustain in circumstances like these.

Enquiring minds want to know why the Republican Party is obsessed with pedophilia? Tanning testicles and raping children used to be the realm of 9th Century tumescent Vikings and other T-Rex sized mesomorphs. But now, being jacked and having a diagnosis from the DSM-5 is a sought-after credential for political success in today’s Republican Party. They have their Gym Jordan, their Matt Gaetz, their Roy Moore. And they have a surprisingly long list of legislators with morally impeachable back stories calling the shots in the Republican Party.

In Republican politics this means that when they find themselves scraping the bottom of the barrel, it’s time to make the world safe for a new Moral Panic.

It’s what they do. If your project is to stem the tide of cultural evolution and social justice by suppressing inclusion among the volk and impartiality within the judiciary to preserve the God-given rights of white male supremacy, then it’s time to torch some witches; it’s time to foment some good old fashioned mass hysteria. It’s what many political coups begin with.

In the Germany of the 1930s, it was Jews and Gypsies. In Ronald Reagan’s 1980s, it was the Satanic Panic at the McMartin Preschool in California. Back then, the real targets Republicans were trying to extirpate were working women and their abnegation of wifely duties to their husband and children. After a hard day’s low wage work, a wife was reluctant to bring her man his slippers and scotch at day’s end.

The McMartin Preschool moral panic was to be proof of concept that children consigned to daycare risk rape, human sacrifice and the like, if not perpetually embraced in the ever-present arms of their mothers. The preschool’s curriculum of imaginary satanic rituals led to accusations of human sacrifices, pornography, and prostitution. And now, some 40 years later, it’s back as a rerun with Qanon. Yes, fomenting moral panic is back thanks to Marjorie Taylor Greene, her Gazpacho Police, and her Jewish Democratic cannibals. It’s back with Madison Cawthorn and his cocaine fueled sex orgies – winning himself a DSM-5 Seal of Approval for Extraordinary Mental Illness While in Office. And it’s back in full force thanks to Tucker Carlson and his cure for flagging manliness in Amurika.

But the moral panic model is as old as dirt itself. It is a time-tested tool of emerging authoritarianism.

Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, has brought back book banning and censorship to public schools. My initial reaction to his legislation was to question whether I should start memorizing Ray Bradbury’s, Fahrenheit 451, just in case the GOP’s moral panic surrounding childhood education would spread to all aspects of education…even mathematics. But if one draws back the curtain separating DeSantis from his quixotic ambition, Fox’s Laura Ingraham from her “grooming” hypothesis, and Greene and Bobert from their risible badass, it’s apparent that the Democratic Party must demand that the Republican Party tear down their “fourth wall” and speak directly to America. Democrats must do the unthinkable; they must fight against the bad guys. They must stop themselves from engaging in a willful suspension of disbelief. This is not a comedy; this is a tragedy. This is Hamlet.

Democrats know that the Supreme Court has been entirely politicized, even if Justice Amy Coney Barrett says: "My goal today is to convince you that this court is not comprised of a bunch of partisan hacks” - and Democrats know that Justice Clarence Thomas is in the pocket of the far right with his sole dissenting vote on releasing documents to the January 6th investigation.

Democrats know that Donald Trump is an organized crime figure, even if he says “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment? The mob takes the Fifth.” – while Eric Trump and Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer, Allen Weisselberg, invoked the 5th over 500 times each under questioning.

Are we really all dumbbells?

Moral Panic is the last redoubt of a hollowed out political party. Its crimes against our government include:

“Sedition: Actions or speech intended to incite people to rebel against the government.

Treason: Crime of betraying one's country, typically through efforts to overthrow the government.

Rioting: Participating in a violent public disturbance.

Insurrection: Violent uprising against one's government.

Sabotage: The intentional destruction or obstruction of something for political advantage.”

This is where we are. There is no grooming; there is no pedophilia; there is no critical race theory. These are simply the disgusting components of a moral panic, brought to you in living color by the Republican Party – the party that stands a good chance of taking over the United States Legislature in November.

Where are you, Merrick Garland? Must we bear the law’s delay, the insolence of office, and the spurns that patient merit of th'unworthy takes? We’re drowning in a sea of troubles. To be, or not to be,… that is the question.

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