Little Caesar

So, this story is about a small-time organized crime figure who uses extortion, bribery, tax evasion, fraud, and threats of violence to execute his endless get-rich schemes.
By Debby Long
Little Caesar“That's like bringing a guy up from the minors to pitch the World Series.” Mario Puzo, The Godfather

There are so many threads to the epic story of Donald Trump’s seven-year reign of terror in America that screen writers would be tempted to include an alien invasion of Schrodinger’s cats somewhere in the script just to make the story hang together.

But in light of last week’s FBI search of Mar-a- Lago, a 1931 movie classic entitled “Little Caesar” comes to mind:

Edward G Robinson plays the small-time gangster, Caesar Enrico "Rico" Bandello, who moves up into the top ranks of organized crime but finally gets gunned down by the Feds. As he is lying in an alley dying, Rico asks this rhetorical question: “Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?”

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) of 1970 is thought to be named for this movie and this character.

In 1985 the RICO ACT was successfully used by US Attorney Rudolph Giuliani of the Southern District of New York, to indict and prosecute 11 organized crime figures. This included the heads of New York City’s “Five Families” on charges including extortion, labor racketeering, and murder.

The original transcripts of this prosecution are filed under the rubric “Criminology for Dummies” and are believed to be located somewhere in the Rare Books and Special Collections Reading Room in the Trump Library at Mar-a-Lago. Downstairs, it’s black tie, but upstairs in the Rare Books section of the library, it’s white gloves only. Russian operatives and sexy foreign spies are monitored by an Eye in the Sky that Trump lifted prior to the second bankruptcy proceeding of the Taj Mahal. Also, in this reference room can be found the box containing files concerning the recent prosecution of the Trump/Giuliani operative in Ukraine, Lev Parnas, and his LLC named “Fraud Guaranteed”. (Note to reader: The name of this LLC has since been permanently retired by the Internal Revenue Service.) Additionally, the original Articles of Incorporation for: Trump Steaks, Trump University, and the mission statement for the charity known as The Donald J. Trump Foundation can be found in the vestibule known colloquially as the “Fool Me Once” room. The vestibule is cleverly decorated with numerous stolen and fraudulent memorabilia seized from Hobby Lobby’s cache of rare biblical artifacts.

So, this story is about a small-time organized crime figure who uses extortion, bribery, tax evasion, fraud, and threats of violence to execute his endless get-rich schemes. And this story is also about a Russian dictator named Vladimir Putin, a former spy himself, who uses the acronym MICE (Money, Ideology, Coercion, Ego) to identify potential agents to support his ceaseless efforts to rule the world.

When Donald Trump brought his art of the deal to Moscow in November of 2013 with his Miss Universe pageant, one of the VIP guests was Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, a Russian mobster indicted in the US seven months earlier for running an illegal gambling ring out of an apartment in Trump Tower in New York City. According to David Corn of Mother Jones, “After the event [the beauty contest], Trump boasted to the New York Post, “Almost all of the oligarchs were in the room.” Corn goes on to write:

“The indictment filed by Preet Bharara, the US attorney in Manhattan, which triggered the 2013 raid, identified Tokhtakhounov as a “vory v zakone”—or a vor—a Russian term for a select group of the highest-level Russian crime bosses. A vor receives tributes from other criminals, offers protection, and adjudicates conflicts among other crooks. The indictment charged that Tokhtakhounov used his “substantial influence in the criminal underworld” to protect a high-stakes illegal gambling ring operating out of Trump Tower. He sometimes deployed “explicit threats of violence and economic harm” to handle disputes arising from this gambling operation. The indictment noted that in one two-month period Tokhtakhounov was paid $10 million by this outfit for his services. The indictment also alleged that he and others ran “an international gambling business that catered to oligarchs residing in the former Soviet Union and throughout the world”, used “threats of violence to obtain unpaid gambling debts”, and “employed a sophisticated money laundering scheme to move tens of millions of dollars…from the former Soviet Union through shell companies in Cyprus into various investments and other shell companies in the United States.” According to the US attorney, their enterprise “booked sports bets that reached into the millions of dollars” and laundered approximately $100 million.

In 2013, The Donald had found his Don.

In this version of reality, Americans have been the popcorn munching audience of America’s most extraordinary “Goat Rodeo” in its 246-year-old history. It was conceived and directed by Donald Trump and produced by Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump has been done in literature before. He is Jerzy Kosinski’s main character, Chance the Gardener, in his 1970 novel, Being There. It is a novel about a simple-minded gardener whose life consists of managing the grounds of a wealthy man’s estate and watching TV in his room. His only knowledge of the outside world comes from the world depicted on television. After the old man dies, Chance, dressed in the man’s elegant suits, leaves the estate and is discovered by the wife of a powerful financier who mistakes the name he gives her, Chance the gardener, for Chauncy Gardiner. Due to his sartorial elegance, the woman assumes that Chauncy is brilliant, wealthy, and powerful. Chance’s simple speech is interpreted as metaphorically profound and insightful, and he ultimately becomes a celebrity who is embraced by powerful leaders, including the US President and the Soviet Ambassador Vladimir Skrapinov, both of whom assume that Chauncy Gardiner is a high-level international power broker.

Which somehow brings us to the leaked document known as The Kremlin Papers. This document refers to a transcript of the meeting of Russian Intelligence heads that was presided over by Vladimir Putin and held in Moscow on January 22, 2016. It details how and why Donald Trump would be “the most promising candidate” to provide support to during the 2016 campaign for the US Presidency. In it, Donald Trump is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable, and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”. And further, that a Trump win “will definitely lead to the destabilization of the US’s sociopolitical system”. And the document lays out several American weaknesses, including a “deepening political gulf between left and right”, the US’s “media-information” space, and a growing anti-establishment mood under President Barack Obama”.

While this leaked document reported in The Guardian and known as: - “No 32-04 \ vd” - hasn’t been formally validated, there is another document that does, indeed, support Russia’s exploitation of its “witting or unwitting” agent, Donald Trump:

“Senate Report by the Select Committee on Intelligence, Concerning Russian Active Measures Campaigns And Interference In The 2016 U.S. Election. (Volume 5: Counterintelligence Threats and Vulnerabilities)

The introductory “Findings” section of the Select Committee Report states this:

“The Committee found that the Russian government engaged in an aggressive, multi-faceted effort to influence, or attempt to influence, the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Parts of this effort are outlined in the Committee's earlier volumes on election security, social media, the Obama Administration's response to the threat, and the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA).

The fifth and final volume focuses on the counterintelligence threat, outlining a wide range of Russian efforts to influence the Trump Campaign and the 2016 election. In this volume the Committee lays out its findings in detail by looking at many aspects of the counterintelligence threat posed by the Russian influence operation.”

I’m going to go with “witting” on this. This goat rodeo we have been watching has evolved into the worst threat to our liberal democracy since the Civil War. Donald Trump, our 45th President of the United States, is nothing but a good fella - a wise guy - but he’ll never be the real top Don. Vladimir Putin holds that exalted seat at the rodeo. The Don of all this is the criminal who is trying to bomb Ukraine back to the Stone Age in order to reconstitute the Russian Empire of 1917. And the Republican Party represents the rubes who couldn’t see the con until they became part of it.
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