Blackbird Singing in the Dead of Night
Kamala Harris’s brown-skinned, immigrant parents are what has Made America Great.
By Debby Long
Image:  Craquelure by Phillippe BerthierMy parents fell in love in that most American way — while marching together for justice in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s… That led me to become a lawyer, a district attorney, attorney general and a United States Senator." - Vice-President Kamala Harris in her 2020 acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention 2020

I am writing this in my new house, a house built 184 years ago in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. My new house, with its walls made of giant 20” wide, hand-hewn poplar beams, are partially chinked with old newspaper from a century ago and its glowing pine floor that creaks and slopes from the footfall of almost 200 years of families born in its rooms, reminds me of how old our country is and how long it has survived in a chaotic world.

I moved from Asheville, NC to these nearby mountains because, at my age, I wanted to, as Thoreau wrote in 1857, “live deliberately … to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

I began this essay on the night of September 26th, as a 100 year hurricane swirled and howled around me. And since then, I have not had electricity, water, heat, or phone service - much like the people who live in the lovely hamlets that surround me. My house sits at 4,700’ in altitude on Bald Mountain, and my backyard is the watershed that provides fresh water to the neighboring mountain towns below. But now, many of these beautiful little villages have been simply washed away along with some of the people who lived there. But from my perch atop this mountain, surrounded by ancient lichen-covered woods, I have certainly gotten my wish. I can finally think clearly, undistracted by the malevolent clown show that is threatening to upend 248 years of our American experiment.

And I think of Kamala Harris, hopefully the first female president of the United States. Vice President, Kamala Harris, whose parents came from “shithole countries”, as Donald Trump would put it. They were immigrants who came to America - to a country Harris describes in her acceptance speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention as:

“A country where we may not agree on every detail, but we are united by the fundamental belief that every human being is of infinite worth, deserving of compassion, dignity and respect.”

Her immigrant father, born in Jamaica, went on to become an economist and professor at Stanford University. He was the first Black scholar awarded tenure in the Stanford Department of Economics.

Her immigrant mother, born in India, went on to become a biomedical scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her work contributed to advances in oncology research.

Kamala Harris’s brown-skinned, immigrant parents are what has Made America Great. America didn’t inherit its competitive advantage in the world; it earned it and continues to earn its unique dynamism because pluralism is the mother sauce of American Democracy. Without it we ossify and become yet another museum of the past. Today, travelers visit Egypt to see the pyramids; they visit France to see the masterly preserved treasures of the Sorbonne; and they visit Jerusalem to walk the Stations of the Cross. But in America, the future is still happening, still emerging. American culture is famously characterized by its willingness to jump off a cliff and build an airplane on the way down.

America is a hegemonic power, not in spite of immigration, but because of it. In 1945, when tens of millions of people lay dead in smoldering fields for the second time in that century, many of Europe’s survivors emigrated to America. But Europe didn’t send us its best. It sent us its survivors.

And just as Donald Trump learned from his mustache twirling father how to be successful in an Old World by using brute strength, cruelty, and rapacity, Kamala Harris learned from her immigrant parents how to play that most American of games, the real game of survival, the game played most vigorously in America: the game of Natural Selection.

In our game, success is a function of adaptation to change. Donald Trump’s father demonstrated to him that success is a function of a zero-sum game known as Survival of the Fittest, a term coined by Herbert Spencer at the turn of the 19th Century. Like Spencer, Trump’s is a fundamental misunderstanding of Charles Darwin’s great discovery in 1859 of the algorithm of biological life on earth – of how life continues to survive in the presence of constantly morphing conditions like drought, disease, and other natural disasters. Knuckle dragging brutes like Donald Trump fail to understand that Darwin’s natural selection describes a process - while survival of the fittest is a temporal consequence of that process. The lesson is to find the key to Natural Selection – not the key to the weaknesses of one’s enemies.

American Conservatism has been making that same mistake for over one hundred years. It is modern tribalism strolling pompously in the sturdy brown oxfords of the 19th century. It opposes societal change in favor of preservation of the status quo. But today, Conservatism stubbornly continues to plow the sea while American Liberalism, in welcoming diversity, shares in the prosperity brought about by cultivating the soil. Conservatives have historically opposed civil rights, labor rights, women’s rights, solutions to halt climate change, and now even solutions to manage immigration. But now, because of the evolutionary dead end that they have created for themselves, American Conservatism is increasingly becoming a dead language, only spoken among those who have given up on America and its promise.

Donald Trump is an anecdotal man in an ever-evolving world; all he knows is what he learned as a child at the knee of his father – a man who was born early in the 20th century. And today’s Conservatism stubbornly continues to lag behind scientific advancement because it seeks validation by referencing medieval certainties based upon the faulty logic of teleological analysis. Instead of championing modernity and adaptation - the philosophy that underlies survivability through the process of natural selection - it grows stale in its self-reinforcing circle of antiquated wisdom.

American Conservatism keeps Social Darwinism alive in the minds of its adherents. Over the course of the 20th Century, Social Darwinism has been equated with racism, Nazism, and the eugenics movement - perhaps explaining why those same themes play center stage today in Donald Trump’s dissolving brain.
Art historian, Hal Foster, says of the Trump era: “[Many] American plutocrats regard the trashing of constitutional laws, the scapegoating of immigrants, and the mobilizing of white supremacists as a small price to pay for even more capital concentration through financial deregulation, tax cuts, and corrupt deal-making.” Implicit in that master plan is the necessity of discrediting democracy as a governing principle.

I’m in a hurry. I want to see this thing happen before I die. I want to see women hold their power in the palm of their hands. I want to watch them look at the power sitting there and shake hands with their sons. And I want to watch them welcome men into a world where aggression and violence are finally consigned to an evolutionary past where safety arrived on the wings of conquest and brutality. Today, it feels like America has become a boomtown for grifters. And wannabe grifters like J.D. Vance and virtually all apparatchiks in the GOP, make our political stage look like a risible Mr. Olympia Contest.

But Kamala is the real deal. Isn’t it wonderful that she comes to us, like her immigrant parents, to Make America Great Again.

“Blackbird singing in the dead of night… all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.”
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