A Crime Without A Name

It is critical that we scrutinize how and why America’s President, Donald Trump, has gotten away with murder.
By: Debby Long
Image: Kent YoungstromRaphael Lemkin wrote in his 1944 book entitled: Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, that “new conceptions require new terms”. The “new conceptions” Lemkin were suggesting became The Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect United Nations General Assembly Resolution 96. https://www.un.org/.../Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the...

Genocide is an extremely strong word to describe America’s tragic loss of life due to COVID-19. However, because the Republicans actually won seats in the House of Representatives and may ultimately win back control of the Senate, it is critical that we scrutinize how and why America’s President, Donald Trump, has gotten away with murder. Trump has:

• refused to use sufficient federal resources to stop the spread of COVID-19

• dissolved the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense, established by Barack Obama to protect America from an anticipated epidemic such as COVID-19.

• endangered the lives of Americans by disparaging the wearing of masks, encouraging large indoor gatherings of people, and hobbling the ability of hospitals across the nation to save the lives of seriously ill citizens by refusing to provide personal protective equipment (PPE).

• used his authority as President of the United States to inform Americans that the COVID-19 epidemic is not a serious threat to their lives, and that it is merely a new case of the annual flu that will burn itself out.

• benefited from the Republican Party’s refusal to pass critical legislation to provide financial and humanitarian assistance to Americans who have lost their jobs, their homes, and their means of survival.

The question before us is what to call this breathtaking series of actions taken by the President of the United States and by the Republican controlled Senate. Winston Churchill told the world in 1941: “We are in the presence of a crime without a name.” I believe that Donald Trump and the Republican controlled Senate have deliberately placed America in the presence of that same crime.

Current estimates are that 511,373 (469,578 to 578,347) lives could be lost to COVID-19 across the United States by February 28, 2021. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-1132-9 That is more than the total of combined military and civilian deaths of Americans in WWII.

What shall we call this crime perpetrated on American civilians? Will it continue to be thought of as merely a tragic loss of life, even though it could have been prevented had Trump and his administration chosen to act? Will the expected deaths of 500,000 Americans be blamed on China, even though it was Donald Trump who denied access to life-saving personal protective equipment for medical personnel and care givers? Will we choose to ignore the fact that Americans have suffered more deaths than any other nation in the world, even though it had the technology and resources to limit the devastation?

One might be inclined to categorize this disaster under the rubric of the famously inept stable genius: Donald Trump. The results of the 2020 elections imply that the Republican Party is forgiven for its conspiracy with Donald Trump to permit this epidemic to spread unchecked throughout the nation. But viewed on a scale from criminal negligence on one end and genocide on the other, where should we place this American tragedy? It is long past the time when Americans tolerate the handling of this epidemic as merely a political game of chess leading up to the 2020 election. It is time to bring this “crime without a name” into sharp focus. We must call it for what it is: a form of genocide, conducted for entirely political purposes, to preserve Republican positions of power. Trump and his party knowingly and actively lied about the existential nature of this virus. And by denying federal protection to those stricken by the virus and to those entrusted with their care, they willfully took the lives of as many as half a million of their fellow Americans.

There are many examples of genocide in history – the most tragic and notorious, of course, being the Holocaust, conducted by Nazi Germany between 1941-1945. In that genocide, 6,000,000 people were slaughtered, including 2/3 of the entire Jewish population of Europe. Our own mass slaying of Native Americans from 1846-1874, is now considered a genocide, with an estimated death rate approaching 120,000. During that time, the efforts of our government reduced the total population of Native Americans in California by 80%. In 1994, during the Clinton Administration, the Rwandan Civil War was declared a genocide with estimates of 500,000 to 600,000 Tutsi deaths.

So, what will history call the COVID-19 epidemic in America on February of 2021 when the death toll reaches 500,000 human beings? And, it appears that the worst hit are seniors, the infirmed, and minorities - not the “makers” …but the “takers” in the vernacular of the Republican Party. In the passive-aggressive style of this administration and the Republican Party in general, specifically targeting a group for extermination was not stated publicly; it was simply the obvious end result that they knew would ensue if they obstructed all efforts to remediate the threat.

Americans gave Trump a pass on his bizarre, post-Ebola move to eliminate the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense.

Beth Cameron, former senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council, wrote in March of 2020:

“Shortly before Trump took office, we were watching many health security threats, including a rising number of cases in China of H7N9 influenza, a deadly strain with high mortality but low transmissibility between people. Earlier, we had been tracking a large outbreak of yellow fever in Angola that threatened to sap the limited global supply of that vaccine, affecting the local population, international travelers, deployed citizens and troops. We were focused on naturally occurring diseases and potential bioterrorism — any and every biological threat that could cause a major global health and security emergency.” She goes on to say:

“In 2014, even before the first cases of Ebola came to light in Guinea, the Obama administration launched the Global Health Security Agenda, which now includes more than 60 countries, to accelerate epidemic preparedness. That effort, bolstered by $1 billion from the U.S. government in an emergency spending bill to fight Ebola, led to major gains in global capability to combat the Ebola outbreak and prepare for the next pandemic, which turned out to be COVID-19. “

One must ask, “Why would Donald Trump eliminate this crucial agency, and why would the Republican Party not object?

Trump’s explanation was that he was cutting bureaucratic bloat by “combining” directorates under one agency at the NSC. But according to Ron Klain, Barack Obama’s “Ebola Czar”, “… biodefense and pandemic prevention require different skill sets and expertise. He said the move was “akin to terminating the fire department chief and putting the firefighters in the police department. The next time you have a fire, they will send a police car with a couple of firefighters in the back.”

We have given Donald Trump a pass on his child separation regime, calling it merely a cruel and inept effort to curb illegal immigration from Central America. We have given Donald Trump a pass when he called white supremacists and neo-Nazis “good people” after they invaded a march in Charlottesville, chanting, “Jews will not replace us”, and causing the death of Heather Heyer. We stood by as Donald Trump sought to alienate our allies and embolden our enemies by threatening to withdraw from NATO and lifting UN sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Crimea. And now, we have given the Republican Party a pass as it has refused to provide sufficient relief to a country being crushed by a lethal epidemic - a virus easily transmissible to senior citizens and those with comorbidities.

We can speculate as to Donald Trump’s motive for orchestrating this massive extermination of American citizens, but in the end, history will first remember what happened, and only later speculate as to why it happened. What is happening is the “crime with no name”. It is deliberate, and it is entirely politically inspired.

The Republican Party has certainly dealt enough rope to hang itself. There is no plausible Republican ideological argument between Democrats and Republicans anymore. There is no coherent Republican economic platform to be debated. There is no coherent Republican foreign policy worthy of negotiation. There is no moral authority within the Republican Party now that it has strangled American citizens to death by knotting America’s purse strings.

What is currently happening is, indeed, a crime with a name, produced and directed for purely political reasons. It is incomprehensible that no one has called it by its formal title.



Image: Kent Youngstrom
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