100 Seconds To Midnight
The clock will be reset in January of 2023.
By Debby Long
Homo Planta A“At one time, science said man came from apes. Did it not? Every time I read or hear that, I think to myself: You just didn’t read the same Bible I did. Well, this is what’s interesting, though. If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.” – Herschel Walker, Senatorial candidate from Georgia, 2022.

I thought about it; we all thought about it. Many who heard Walker’s comments during his debate with Raphael Warnock, dismissed his incoherent ramblings as the words of a victim of CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) - brain injuries he suffered during his football days. However, aside from the obvious truth that this level of ignorance among our elected officials is easily as dangerous as Vladimir Putin playing with nuclear weapons, I was struck by the other obvious truth: most of the Republican Party shares Walker’s views on how and when Homo sapiens emerged on earth. These guys are medieval chowderheads.

Shortly after retiring from the NFL, Walker was diagnosed with severe dissociative identity disorder which produces “a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity. For Walker it meant blacking out during episodes of intense rage”. The Democratic critique of Walker as a senatorial candidate is primarily focused on his hypocrisy concerning his opposition to abortion, and perhaps that’s good strategic politics in Georgia. But Walker’s psychiatric disabilities are singularly relevant because his mental processes are severely impaired. He is manifestly unqualified to hold any public office, much less, the office of an American Senator.

According to Evangelical Christian doctrine, the earth was created ~6,000 years ago. Homo sapiens didn’t evolve at all; they were magically created by a supernatural entity known as God. The famous teleological argument made by William Paley in the late 1700’s was an attempt to prove the existence of God by claiming that only an intelligent designer, the Biblical God, could have designed and created a human eye. His argument was that a human eye could not have emerged incrementally because an imperfect eye could not see. The eye had to have been designed all at once by a Creator. Paley’s argument was further illuminated by his famous “watch analogy”, where he argues that “just as the function and complexity of a watch implies a watch-maker, so likewise the function and complexity of the universe implies the existence of a universe-maker”. William Paley was the father of today’s Creationism and Intelligent Design. He died a half century before Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”.

And even though the world that humans have designed is much more complex and intricately connected than Paley’s world was - a world where functioning eyes are found in most species, and watches keep time by using a constellation of 24 orbiting satellites that are accurate to within three nanoseconds - three-billionths of a second, - this theological nonsense underlies much of American culture these days. And nobody says a word. It’s not that everyone agrees with the tenets of Evangelical Christianity; it’s that we have been conditioned not to criticize any religion whatsoever. But the ground rule has always been that religion is a private matter that is not permitted to hold sway in a secular government like ours. But now the Republican Party has delivered us a theocratic majority on the Supreme Court, a court with medieval Christian tendencies, and it feels like The Venerable Bede all over again.

Since the western world inherited the Abrahamic body of theological thought, replete with End Times eschatology, it is reasonable to assume that what lies at the root of our current decline might be a suicidal tendency to view events through the lens of both the Old and New Testament - through the Bible. It is the Bible that Herschel Walker referred to in his debate and that Donald Trump waved in a naked political effort at virtue signaling: It is the book that prophesizes an impending Apocalypse.

Fear of death is a seminal emotion in human beings, and the Republicans routinely exploit this evolutionary warning signal in modern Homo sapiens to whip up votes. We are terrified by pandemics – so let COVID rage on and encourage antivaxxer denialism. We are anxious at the suggestion of nuclear holocaust – so let’s tear up the Iran Nuclear Accord so that the Middle East remains a dangerous caldron of geopolitical conflict. We are fearful of the manifest consequences of climate change - and by the descent toward ecological catastrophe and the displacements caused by mass migrations – so, bring on the climate deniers and suppress the means by which we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Our fear is that our society is slowly lumbering toward collapse, so make sure that every person in America has a gun to protect himself when it does. The Republican attempted takeover of the United States is nothing but a fraud conceived by a notorious conman.

This coming week on November 8th, 2022, our nation appears to be deciding whether to remain a modern liberal democracy or the fulfillment of an ancient prophesy of Armageddon. We are America in a time of massive fear promulgated by those who are morally bankrupt.

During the Walker/Warnock debate, Walker assumed a holier-than-thou posture by saying anyone who disagreed with his analysis of human origins was misinformed: “You just didn’t read the same Bible I did”. One book - the writings of which are thought to have begun in the early Iron Age (c. 1200 BCE) - is the only book read by well over one billion people on earth. It is at once both a beautiful historical artifact - and an impermeable membrane that retards the progress of human inquiry.

We cannot afford to permit this archaic style of thinking to have sway in the government of the United States. Americans have morphed into Cheese Whiz lotus eaters; pluralism has failed to establish a polity unified under Enlightenment values and, instead, has constructed a Tower of Bable where no person understands the other; educational standards have ceded authority to fringe religious cults; our preoccupation with consumerism has supplanted most other productive pursuits in life. Grievance has replaced motivation. A rejection of science-based thinking has led to superstition and to our current flood of conspiracy theories.

Instead, we must find an argument that can convince ½ of the American population to maintain a sustainable world where frauds, conmen, and the extraordinarily wealthy are not given perverse incentives to parasitize an undereducated population of believers.

The title of this essay refers to The Doomsday Clock established in 1947 by former scientists of the Manhattan Project and members of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The Bulletin (https://thebulletin.org/about-us/board-of-sponsors/ ) claims as supporters over 40 Nobel Laureates. The Doomsday Clock was intended to be a metaphor for the imminence of a man-made global catastrophe that kills all life on earth – an apocalypse. In 1947, the Doomsday Clock was set at seven minutes to midnight following the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was reset at two minutes to midnight on January 24, 2018 due to the nuclear threats of North Korea and the administration of Donald Trump. The scientists concluded that the "Hyperbolic rhetoric and provocative actions by both sides have increased the possibility of nuclear war by accident or miscalculation".

The clock will be reset in January of 2023.

Herschel Walker and most Republicans in the 117th U.S. Congress are proof that, as Christopher Hitchens observed: “Our prefrontal lobes are too small, and our adrenal glands are too big.” Most current Republicans are unqualified to serve as legislators or Justices of the Supreme Court because their worldview is informed by mythology and not by science. And throughout the Bible, the drone of Apocalypse is a central theme. “Think about it”, as Herschel Walker suggests.

Climate denialism, anti-Covid reality, anti- vaxxers, anti-gun control, and anti-government, are all political positions espoused by the guy who asks: “Why are there still apes?”. The answer is not Jesus, but his question does deserve an answer. The answer is evolution through the process of natural selection. The answer is mutation.

“Mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, and is essential for evolution by natural selection: indeed, most of our genome has been shaped primarily by mutation and random drift” - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2871826

We are the sole survivors of the genus Homo. The genus Homo diverged from great apes ~5-8 million years ago. Homo sapiens are believed to have originated ~100,000 - 200,000 years ago. Modern Homo sapiens are referred to as Homo sapiens sapiens and are the subspecies of Homo sapiens. They comprise modern humans only.

To arrive at our exalted position in the web of life, a mutation occurred (a substitution) of a single nucleotide (a basic building block of nucleic acids RNA and DNA) in the brains of Homo sapiens that was not present in either Neanderthals or Denisovans, our most recent ancestors. This unique mutation caused an increase in the neurodevelopment in Homo sapiens that resulted in advanced cognitive abilities. Apes exist today because we evolved and out-competed them. Apes cannot destroy life on earth, but we can.

“Modern humans differ from apes and Neanderthals and Denisovans by this single amino acid change… Transketolase-like 1 (TKTL1) It is one of the few proteins with a single amino acid substitution found in essentially all present-day humans but absent from extinct archaic humans, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, and other primates… This human-specific amino acid substitution in TKTL1 is a lysine in apes and archaic humans but an arginine in modern humans. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.abl6422 A serendipitous mistake.

The point of this is to show that, while our Legislators and Supreme Court Justices cannot be required to be familiar with current neuroscience, they must be familiar with modern science and the impact it has had and will have upon life on earth. There must be barriers to entry for positions in our federal government so that our liberal democracy does not slip into another Dark Age – an age where Satan was everywhere, and religion was a tool in support of theocracies and monarchies. Claims of religious affiliation must be eliminated from our public discourse. These are the shibboleths of an ancient world of superstitions and remain symbols for contemporary political manipulation.

I write this essay as a critique of Evangelical Christianity and the political party that exploits the credulity of its followers. I have not been fearful because, over the years, I have asked myself: “Who in America would break into the home of an elderly person and attack that frail body with a hammer because of political zealotry? What man in America would do such a barbarous thing to a defenseless person?” But today, this confidence no longer exists.

I have felt safe until this week. America was not intended to be the nursery of enraptured psychopaths, missionaries of God, or Christian soldiers. But it has evolved into this because these zombies are bedeviled by the lies of the Republican Party. We may, indeed, lose our liberal democracy to these fools; and the earth’s fragile ecosystems may, indeed, collapse because of the barbaric and ruthless zealots of business in the Republican Party.

Homo sapiens sapiens might die out because of this species’ greed and brutishness – its atavistic nature, its savagery in the face of beauty. Life on earth will renew, but perhaps without us.

But I am not afraid to speak out now in this year of moral bankruptcy because I know that life does not need us. Life on earth is a self-rocking cradle.
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