The dark room is Phil Molloy (drums), Bobbie Stokes (vocals) and JD Rapp
(keyboards and vocals). We write bemused, Steely-Dan-ish sort of songs about
urban misadventure. Although a studio band only, our songs are organic and
luscious; real jazz frequently bursts out of these big rolling pop tunes!
"Black Sedan" is our second release, following the critically
acclaimed "Robber Barons."
From the liner notes of Black Sedan:
"Hello! It's always about escape, isn't it? From others, to others;
the usual suspects. We are growing old and softer now, like you, and in our
hearts we are looking for a little desperate fun. For us that idea has taken a
shape........the image is a black sedan."
All mp3's on this site are
presented with the expressed written permission of The dark room. The dark
room's CD, Black Sedan, can be purchased from CD