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War Plan Orange
Today, one half of America is left speechless and so emotionally spent that it feels as if the United States will be attending its own funeral on January 20th.
By Debby Long
Falls “War Plan Orange was a series of United States Joint Army and Navy Board war plans for dealing with a possible war with Imperial Japan during the years between the First and Second World Wars. It failed to foresee the significance of the technological changes to naval warfare, including the submarine, air support and aircraft carriers, …" – Wikipedia

Today, one half of America is left speechless and so emotionally spent that it feels as if the United States will be attending its own funeral on January 20th. Perhaps it will.

At today’s press conference, Donald Trump’s blathering stream of consciousness included a dilettante’s interpretation of Hitler’s “Lebensraum”, as he threatened to spend his newly acquired “political capital” to annex both Canada and Mexico and to force Denmark to sell Greenland to the US. Upon hearing this, I was immediately swooshed into the Wayback Machine and transported to the year 2004 - and to the post-campaign posturing of the perpetually juvenile, G.W. Bush. At that press conference, Bush boasted about spending his post campaign “political capital” to justify his desire to invade the Middle East again – this time to finish off Saddam Hussein in Iraq – his father’s Napoleon of Crime in the Middle East. His father, H. W. Bush, thought better of setting that vast region of the world on fire and withdrew after the First Gulf War, but his inexperienced scion apparently knew better. Lacking any geopolitical logic associated with invading a country that hadn’t attacked the United States, W declared that his high-minded mission was to "spread freedom" in the Middle East… and, of course, decades of destabilization ensued. To say that Bush Jr. didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground was somewhat belied when the Napoleon of Crime, Saddam Hussein, was unearthed by American troops from a literal hole in the ground. Read More
The Fable of the Sick Anti-Vaxxer
In the early 20th century, a famous anti-vaxxer exposed himself to smallpox. What happened next offers a COVID cautionary tale.
By Rebecca Onion | Slate
A parishioner of Los Angeles’ Hillsong Church dies of COVID-19 afterNo Vaxx making anti-vax jokes on Facebook and Instagram, some of which were posted from his hospital bed; after his death, the founder of the church tells CNN that vaccines are a “personal decision.” A Nashville radio host who had voiced skepticism about the COVID vaccine gets the disease and, after suffering from COVID-related pneumonia, goes on a ventilator; his brother tells the media, “If he had to do it over again, he would be more adamantly pro-vaccination.” Another pastor, from Texas, speaks publicly about his regret at not getting vaccinated before getting COVID and going to the intensive care unit: “I recognized that I had been a bit cavalier.” Read More
How Supercharged Blue Heroin Ravaged This Small Town In Ohio
By Mitch Stacy | AP
Heroin in Marion, OhioMARION, Ohio (AP) The usual hand wringing over the heroin problem turned into panic in this small city in May when a supercharged blue-tinted batch from Chicago sent more than 30 overdose victims to the hospital and two to the morgue in a 12-day stretch.

Like many places in America, Marion an hour's drive north of the capital, Columbus has gotten used to heroin. Emergency crews in the city of 37,000 have become accustomed to treating an overdose patient about once a day for the past year or so. But they were stunned when the unprecedented onslaught began on May 20.

They say if it hadn't been for naloxone, an antidote carried by paramedics, most of the survivors probably would have died, too. They ranged in age from their late teens to early 60s.
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Activists began campaigning to change the understanding of the 2nd Amendment in the late 20th century
By Larry Laird | lairdslair
One of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud on theIt's fraud American public by special interest groups that I've ever seen in my life time. The real purpose of the Second was to ensure that state armies the militias would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires.
---- Chief Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger

Justice Burger said in no uncertain terms, before gun lobbyists and activists began campaigning to change the understanding of the 2nd Amendment in the late 20th century, nobody considered it to be an individual right.

In 2008, the right wing contingent on the most recent Supreme Court (the same people who said that corporations are people) decided to throw away centuries of juris prudence and extend the 2nd Amendment as an individual protection for gun owners right to bear arms. During the case, United States v. Emerson, the Supreme Court decided that the 2nd Amendment is not a collective protection for gun ownership in militias, but rather a protection for individuals to own and operate weapons. This decision flies in the face of centuries of settled law and, like Citizens United v. FEC is just another case where right wing extremist wearing robes have perverted our country's longstanding understanding of our laws.
Requiem for a Golf Course
by Fred Altvater | B9R Lessons
HGGCThe Golf economy today is a mixed bag, while some areas of the golf business are very strong, other parts are suffering.

Part of the reason is that young people do not seem to be taking to the game as the older generation did. With the variety of activities available to the X and Y Generations, other sports seem to be more attractive.

A slow walk around a golf course can't compete with mountain biking or zip-lines.
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What is Humility?
An easily misunderstood human quality that seems to have gone missing in our modern times. How to make it part of your life once again.
By Larry Laird |
Be humbleI attend a small evangelical Lutheran church in Marion, Ohio called St. Paul's and have for over 60 years. I took my catechism there and was confirmed in this little church.  On occasion, our pastor takes a much needed vacation and since we have no assistant pastor he calls on members of the congregation to lead a service in his absence.  I have done so a couple of times in the past two years. What follows is the message I delivered on a Sunday in late August, 2016.  Read More

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
- Isaac Asimov
quoteOne man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity nothing beats teamwork.
- Mark Twain
Marion Weather  
Cartoons by Clay Bennett

Donald Trump just overthrew the government of the most powerful country in the world
Debby LongDonald Trump just overthrew the government of the most powerful country in the world. He ran the table with the willing help of the Republican Party. He now owns all the branches of government: the SCOTUS, both houses of Congress, and the Executive. His cabinet nominees will insure that all government institutions, the military in particular, will not thwart his plans. His takeover - preceded by his Insurrection - are not unlike Hitler's Beerhall Putch and the overthrow of the Weimar Republic, where Hitler subsequently declared one-party rule and citizenship based upon race.

We can pretend that Trump will be out in 4 years, but who will be left to enforce Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution? The sycophancy of America's billionaires - Besos et. al. - is not an accident. They are acutely aware of what has just taken place. Trump will soon be in a position to seize their companies if he chooses. And a new season of The Apprentice will commence because, due to Trump's advanced age, a viable successor will have to be selected and groomed. Will it be Elon Musk? Musk sure hopes so. His Nazi salute certainly speaks volumes. And what will happen to the "Failing New York Times". Trump will have it for lunch, with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

Anyone who thinks that this too shall pass is simply whistling past the graveyard. We did, indeed, attend America's funeral today
. Debby Long

NPRThe faithful see both crisis and opportunity as churches close across the country - Read More

Why some of the smartest people can be so very stupid - Dumbness alone is rarely the driving threat: at the head of almost every dumb movement, you will find the stupid in charge - Read More

Slideshow for Dad - my son Chris created this slideshow for me from old pictures. Music composed and performed by him. Watch here

A Very Stable Genius - Read More

John Oliver Puts His Foot Down on Pointless Push Notifications (Video)

Will "post-truth" politics be capitalism's undoing? Enlightenment ideals like rationalism opened the doors for capitalism's rise. What happens in a post-rational era?

Will We Find Aliens in the Next Decade? It's Not as Crazy as You Might Think

KubrickInside the odyssey: taking a closer look at Stanley Kubrick's 2001. At an expansive new exhibition in New York, the director's defining science fiction opus is explored in detail with help from those who made it with him.

US federal deficit to reach $1tn next year, report says - Debt held by public is expected to reach 95% of GDP in next 10 years, the highest level since just after the second world war

Sleep patterns can change with aging. Does that mean health troubles ahead?

He Was Dying. Antibiotics Weren't Working. Then Doctors Tried a Forgotten Treatment.

The system is broken: the billionaire investor who fears a return to the 1930s.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy, CPAP Treats Sleep Apnea With Air Pressure Delivered Via a Mask

Think Rivers Are Dangerous Now? Just Wait. A new study offers grim projections.

Gun control and history: It's never been about the Second Amendment - Pro-gun advocates are using the ambiguous language of the Constitution to mask a right-wing agenda

Mass Shootings in America: The Unavoidable Facts. Mass shootings have become deadlier. Gun violence is insanely expensive. The copycat effect is real.

We Just Feel Like We Don't Belong Here Anymore - Think it's hard for the white working class in rural America? Try being a person of color.

Barbara Kingsolver: "It feels as though we're living through the end of the world" - The author of The Poisonwood Bible is back with an ambitious novel charting the US in breakdown.

Making a Killing - The business and politics of selling guns. How Fear Helps the Gun Business

Your Wi-Fi Network's Soft Underbelly. You probably don?t even think about this easy way for hackers to sneak in.

The Great Lakes Are Filling Up With Giant Green Blobs - Industrial agriculture fuels them, and new science shows that they emit way more greenhouse gas than previously thought.

Is Depression a Kind of Allergic Reaction? What if it was a physical illness that just happens to make people feel pretty lousy?

There May Soon Be More Plastic in the Oceans Than Fish. The environmental impact of plastic waste is already staggering and getting much worse.

Life at the (possible) end of the Earth - Everything is not going to be okay: How to live with constant reminders that the Earth is in trouble

10 Media Manipulation Strategies - Noam Chomsky, one of the most important intellectuals in life today, has drawn up the list of 10 media manipulation strategies

The forever chemicals fueling a public health crisis in drinking water - About 700 PFAS-contaminated sites have been identified across the US while those exposed to enough chemicals can face devastating health consequences

Martin Luther's Revolution - The Reformation did a lot more than transform Christianity.

How Do You Spot A Nonconformist? - You Can Start With Their Internet Browser!

Moyers and Co. Mother Jones


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